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Various Artists - First Blood Denmark (2001)
Cover Front Album
Artist/Composer Various Artists
Length 71:27
Format CD
Genre Death Metal
Index 293
Collection Status In Collection
Packaging Jewel Case
Track List
01 Mercenary - Seize The Night 06:34
02 Exmortem - Berzerker Legions 03:02
03 Iniquity - Bloodletting 05:30
04 Corpus Mortale - Sombre And Vile 03:28
05 Ad Noctum - Dødsvandring 04:39
06 Saturnus - Murky Waters 06:38
07 Usipian - Brought Within Chains 05:22
08 Morfeus - Fuelling The Flames Of Hate 05:07
09 Mugshot - Desolate 04:09
10 Urkraft - Solen Brænder Ihjel 04:15
11 Blindfault - Blindfault 04:16
12 Zenith - Zenitology 03:41
13 Mindlock - True Face 04:45
14 # 213 - Music Is Dead 03:18
15 Spine - Think About It 03:14
16 Beyond Reality - A Perspective Of Living 03:29
Personal Details
Price kr 0,00
Spars DDD
Rare No
Sound Stereo