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Nile - In Their Darkened Shrines (2002)
Cover Front Album
Artist/Composer Nile
Format CD
Label Relapse Re (SPV)
Index 681
Collection Status In Collection
Packaging Jewel Case
Track List
01 Blessed Dead
02 Execration Text
03 Sarcophagus
04 Kheftiu Asar Butchiu
05 Unas Slayer of the Gods
06 Churning the Maelstrom
07 I Whisper in the Ear of the Dead
08 Wind of Horus
09 In Their Darkened Shrines: I. Hall of Saurian Entombment
10 In Their Darkened Shrines: II. Invocation to Seditious Heresy
11 In Their Darkened Shrines: III. Destruction of the Temple of the Enemie
12 In Their Darkened Shrines: IV. Ruins
Personal Details
Price kr 0,00
Links Amazon Germany
Amazon Japan
Spars DDD
Rare No
Sound Stereo
UPC 0781676654222