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Machine Head - Supercharger (2001)
Cover Front Album
Artist/Composer Machine Head
Format CD
Index 654
Collection Status In Collection
Packaging Jewel Case
Track List
01 Declaration
02 Bulldozer
03 White Knuckle Blackout
04 Crashing Around You
05 Kick You When Youre Down
06 Only The Names
07 All In Your Head
08 American High
09 Brown Acid
10 Nausea
11 Blank Generation
12 Trephination
13 Deafening Silence
14 Supercharger
15 Hole In The Sky
16 Ten Fold
17 The Blood The Sweat And The Tears (Live)
18 Desire To Fire (Live)
Personal Details
Price kr 0,00
Links Amazon US
Spars DDD
Rare No
Sound Stereo